Your gift and 18-Month Pledge gives Kids in Austin room to continue to GROW and will help us build this building in 18 months.

GOAL: Break ground in January 2024 and complete by August 2025

SEEDS for the Kids Building Expansion in Austin: $2.5 Million

The Austin Kids Building was completed just over one year ago and is already FULL!

With 270+ kids this past Easter, more and more families are coming to Real Life for spiritual support. We are honored to help parents and partner with them to invest in the most valuable treasure we have: the next generation.

This expansion will be two stories and DOUBLE the size of the current Kids Building.

It will give more room for preschoolers, a sensory room for special needs kids and include an exclusive spot for 4th and 5th graders called Warehouse 45.

I’m ready to commit to the the SEEDS Campaign and make my PLEDGE that, with the Lord’s help, I can fulfill.

18-Month SEEDS Pledge:

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14)